7-15 Mount Kellett Road is a leased residential property managed by Nan Fung Property Management which consists 3 houses and 10 apartment units. 7-15 Mount Kellett Road has implemented environmental protection measures and energy management systems, echoing the company vision of "We Improve the Quality of Life". Besides, a series of energy efficiency enhancement has been carried out, including application of LED lighting and adoption of automated watering device. 7-15 Mount Kellett Road also takes an active role in joining hands with our stakeholders to promote sustainability and engage in different green programmes.
- 物業糅合現代化施工與自然環境
- 於後樓梯及升降機內安裝動態感應器,自動調節燈具光度以達致高效節能
- 實踐環保採購,包括選購及安裝LED照明系統及附有能源標籤的產品
- 積極參與環保活動如回收計劃
- 物業內的園藝及綠化牆進一步提升綠色生活