室內建築2.0版 非住宅


The fitting-out works on the 9th floor of Yasumoto International Academic Park mark the first smart office renovation of its kind at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).  The project transformed two separate office units into a single, flexible open-plan workspace.  Painted with the colour palette of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the newly renovated space is home to over 30 members of staff of the Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office (SRSDO). 


As a socially responsible university, CUHK is committed to advancing the SDGs to create an inclusive, healthy and sustainable campus, and this renovation project is a testament to these values.  The SRSDO office design is agile and dynamic, featuring a co-working space that provides maximum flexibility and new opportunities for sociability and collaboration.  Sustainability was a key consideration throughout the renovation process, and a range of smart office design features were included, promoting efficiency and productivity.


The project unlocks revolutionary space design opportunities for other university departments and units to follow.



  • 項目建設過程中已製定並實施安全管理計劃。
  • 已採取施工空氣和噪音緩解措施。 施工期間未收到書面投訴

  • 廢物管理計劃已在項目建設期間制定並實施。 建築垃圾回收率達到32.4%。

  • 項目施工期間已製定並實施了建築室內空氣質素管理計劃。 室內空氣質素測量及測試報告顯示達到” 卓越級”。


  • 向用戶提供建築用戶指南,並定期更新該指南。
  • 提供適用的職業健康和安全措施。


  • 提供可回收物料收集站。
  • 重用33.7% (按件數) 現存的家具。
  • 模塊化設計元素的表面積達到25%以上。
  • 通道內所有高接觸表面均塗有抗菌塗層。
  • 94%的牆面塗有抗菌塗料。
  • 超過30%的地毯(按表面積)、瓷磚膠(按重量)、油漆和塗料(按表面積)使用經過認證的綠色產品。


  • 公共空間/樓宇服務系統/電器的開關附近均設有節能提醒。
  • 採用節能照明系統,與《建築物能源效益守則》2021年版相比,照明功率密度降低了 37.5%。
  • 對所有可接觸到日光的區域進行日光調光/單獨的照明控制。
  • 所有公共區域(例如走廊、廁所)均安裝並使用佔用傳感器/計時器控制裝置。
  • 所有新購買的電器均附有能源標籤。


  • 已進行食水抽樣測試,所有樣本均符合水務署的香港食水標準(HKDWS)。
  • 採用帶有1 級用水效益標籤的節水設備。
  • 在主樓內提供雙沖水馬桶和感應式小便池。


  • 室內空氣質素測量及測試報告顯示達到"卓越級"。
  • 採用2種於設計手冊: 暢通無阻的通道2008中列為”建議遵守的設計規定”。
  • 採用6種企業社會責任設施。
  • 提供健身器材,包括乒乓球、拳擊用品、健身單車、瑜伽球。


Home to over 30,000 students and staff, CUHK has the largest campus in Hong Kong, covering a total of 138 hectares. With the rapid expansion of the university community, however, CUHK faces demanding challenges when it comes to space allocation. There is a real and urgent need to maximize campus space efficiency. Multiple approaches have been experimented with to optimize space, including leveraging shared facilities, introducing adaptable furniture, expanding beyond cubicle seating, and improving connectivity and equipment.


To accelerate CUHK’s transformation into a sustainable campus, SRSDO took the lead in undertaking a radical workplace makeover in 2022. As the pioneer of the campus’s smart office design, the project redefines what it means to be a workplace. Space shortage is addressed through smart space solutions, such as flexible and mixed-use space, hot-desking, open-plan areas for collaborative working, and private meeting (or ‘quiet’) areas, many of which were first deployed at CUHK.


A smart workspace should be versatile and adaptable to user needs. Besides a flexible open-plan working area, the Café and Lounge areas of the office are furnished with comfortable seats and digital displays, serving as social connectors for coffee meetings and breaks, team lunches and collaborative work. The Lookout offers a breathtaking view of Tolo Harbour, nurturing an ambience where colleagues can clear their minds and gather their thoughts. The Niche, a semi-enclosed space with booth seating and a digital display panel, is the perfect place to create a good vibe and foster creativity and interaction. For larger team meetings and activities, the Hub is a multipurpose area equipped with movable partitions and a foldable ping-pong table that doubles as a desk well-suited for brainstorming and presentations.


Upholding the principle of sustainability, the project places great emphasis on minimizing the environmental impact and promoting recycling. The office design has carefully considered the use of materials and the reuse of furniture and appliances, both to minimize wastage and to lower carbon emissions. Collection spots for recyclables are set up throughout the office, facilitating the habit of daily recycling.


As evidenced by the office’s name, the glittering workspace demonstrates the watchword ‘social responsibility’ in every part of the design details.  First, the office is completely barrier-free, with a flat floor surface and sockets and data outlets off the floor, resulting in greater accessibility than in the traditional office. Health, wellness and resilience also emerge as some of the distinctive design themes.  Dedicated fitness spaces for boxing, yoga, stationary bikes and table tennis allow staff to take time off and unwind in the middle of work. 


A happy workplace keeps staff happier, healthier and more productive. This success story of the innovative use of limited space will hopefully serve as a showcase in smart space planning and management, and encourage others to follow.

Green Products Adopted From Eco-Product Directory:

1) Company: Innogreen

  • Product: Moss walls

2) Company: Palmax (Pacific Asia) Limited

  • Product: Architectural acoustics
  • Brand: “14six8”
  • Models: “Dew” and “Harmony”

3) Company: JEC

  • Product: Carpet tiles
  • Brand: “Milliken”
  • Series: “Boundaries”

Other Green products:

1) Product: Emulsion paint

  • Brand: “Dulux”
  • Series: “Biocare”

2) Product: dry wall

  • Brand: “Knauf”
  • Model: 100/125mm STC 57 Knauf drywall partition system

3) Product: Bamboo panels and veneers



竣工年份 2022
樓層數目 1
室內樓面面積 (IFA) (平方米) 269
類別 機構



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  • 免責聲明


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