• Main Perspective View

  • Atrium for natural lighting

  • Linkbridge to enhance walkability

  • Green Features of Lower Block

  • Green Features of Lower Block

  • Memorial Mosaic Tile Wall

New Buildings V1.2
Final Platinum

Overall Score
Site Aspects
Materials Aspects
Energy Use
Water Use
Indoor Enviro. Quality
Credit(s)    Innovations and Additions

The Chung Chi Student Development Complex is a pioneer redevelopment project of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Two old buildings on Chung Chi Campus are redeveloped into new student activity areas to cater for the incremental needs of student facilities in the coming future. While the idea is implemented in a student-oriented and environmentally friendly way, the traditional values of Chung Chi College are also preserved.

The new Complex is designed to encourage walkability in the campus by creating a new garden-type journey across the forest between the Chung Chi Campus and Main Campus. Different forms of openings and platforms are introduced around its perimeter for promoting interaction and enhancing bonding between the Complex and its nearby natural environment. Moreover, the buildings are also designed to enhance the utilization of natural lighting and wind for comforting the internal area, with support of different green elements at different floors.

As a redevelopment project, inheriting the cultural elements and values from the old buildings, in term of material selection, façade design and circulation arrangement, are the key considerations for the Complex design.

Green Features

Site Aspects

  • Soft landscaping of 55% of the site area to minimize the urban heat island effect 
  • Pervious materials of 78% of the total hard landscaped area to reduce surface runoff to drainage system
  • Roof coating with high solar reflectance index of 69% of the total roof area to reduce solar heat gain

Materials Aspects

  • At least 50% of timber and composite timber products will be sustainable and/or recycled timber
  • 33% of demolition waste was recycled
  • 60% of construction waste has been recycled

Energy Use

  • Reduction in the annual energy consumption by 25% 
  • Good building envelope design with low SHGC and WWR reduces OTTV & RTTV, resulting in low cooling energy
  • Adoption of high performance VRV and split-type AC units
  • Minimised LPD and adoption of high energy efficient lift installation

Water Use

  • Above 37% of potable water saving through the use of water efficient fitments
  • Use of dual flush water closets and low flow urinals decreases effluent discharge by over 51%
  • Use of existing Lake Ad Excellentiam CUHK as the rainwater harvesting tank for irrigation use

Indoor Environmental Quality

  • Fresh air will be increased by 30% in normally occupied educational areas
  • Adoption of daylight sensors in the perimeter zone of the normally occupied areas

Innovations and Additions

  • Adoption of twin tanks for both potable and flushing water
  • Adoption of full EV charger in the Carpark
  • Adoption of natural lighting and ventilation in more than 90% of circulation space.
  • Inherit cultural architectural elements and reuse existing building material.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a garden-based University with a strong bonding to the campus nature. Over 60% of the site area is covered by natural vegetation. Due to the strong topographic and the sub-urban context of the site, the buildings on CUHK campus are spread on the mountain. The campus highly relies on the mountain roads and steps, as well as shuttle bus, as a major network to connect different buildings. By inserting this new student development complex, a new garden-type journey connecting several major buildings in the lower and mid campus is created. We attempt to reform the movement pattern of the University members, so as to relieve the existing overcrowded road and carriageway.

The circulation is not simply a connection to the surroundings or between different programmes inside our complex. Integrating with the natural environment and creating a fruitful journey based on a garden-oriented concept are the key objectives of this design. The Complex interacts with the natural environment by providing lively spaces and different viewports to the surroundings. Enjoyment of natural environment by mean of a garden-type journey could enhance students’ understanding of the sustainable development of the future campus.

Along the garden-based journey, different qualities of spaces have been created to suit and cater for various needs of the students. Unlike conventional planning of institutional buildings, we encourage students to learn, meet and gather outside the classroom in order to promote informal education and self- learning. The natural-vented communal hub in the atrium is one of the examples of encouraging the students to extend their activities from indoor to semi-open spaces. By inter-connecting with several floors, the atrium communal hub not only can enjoy the benefit from natural lighting and ventilation, but also acts as a core place for students to interact and exchange ideas.

Inheriting the cultural elements and values from the old campus are the key considerations for design development. As a local and unique material mined in the early campus site, rubble stone is a symbolic material used in various buildings on Chung Chi College campus. Such memorial material has been re-adopted at eye level along the circulation space to inherit the symbol and memory of the old campus.

Another symbolic element applied in the new student complex is the lattice façade pattern, which is a traditional technique used in early 20th century for weather control and security purpose. It was an effective and artistic way for shading and rainproofing while allowing good natural ventilation at the same time. With the abovementioned features and advantages, a perforated façade design has been adopted in this new student complex to re-exhibit the spatial and atmosphere of early campus.

Project Details

Completion Year 2021
Number of Blocks 2
Number of Storeys 5 for lower block, 7 for upper block (except upper roof)
Type Government, Institutional and Community

Project Team


  • 1/F, Jockey Club Environmental Building, 77 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
  • +852 3994 8888
  • [email protected]

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